Geo Digital Information LLC

What are Regional Geologic Studies?

These studies incorporate a variety of information on plays and basins throughout the United States. By utilizing historical literature, core and outcrop surveys, and other subsurface data sets, the studies provide an integrated analysis of the controls on plays and basin development. This information can then provide the basis for a correlation design used in the subsurface analysis of plays and reservoir characteristics.

What information is included?

Each regional study contains a Text and Figures report. These extensively illustrated reports typically include discussions, figures, and detailed analyses on: Depositional Settings/History, Lithofacies, Field Studies, Tectonic Framework, Stratigraphy, Petrography, Modern Analogs, Synthesis, and Exploration Potential. Most studies include Outcrop and Core Description reports. Selected studies may also include a Summary Atlas, Rock Guides, DST Analyses, and other study-specific subjects. The reports are in an Acrobat (PDF) format and hyperlinked for ease of access. Numerous raster image maps and cross sections are included. Each regional study also incorporates a digital database of the stratigraphic tops and interval data, typically in a Microsoft Access format that is easily imported into a variety of mapping softwares.

Geo Digital Information LLC